A downloadable game for Windows

After 6 apocalypses we, the myriad people, crawl from our pocket dimeonsional tomb-bunkers, survey the wreckage of a world that once was, and ready ourselves to build new city-shield-bodies to protect us from against what terrors lurk out in vast.

A rapid city building game set in a scarred and strange world. Join the growing coucil of eccentric agents as a pair of dancing skeletons trapped in a CRT monitor.


You are dealt a hand of buildings, you select a plot, select a building, and wait. Every 10 seconds your foothold grows. As does that of your fellow councillors and as do their ambitions.

Grow the city sufficiently to sustain its health and protect its citizens from the unmoored-terrors beyond.

Content warnings for mentions of or references to; Blood, Drugs, Alcohol, Cigarettes, Smoking, Hell, Insects, The Apocalypse, Snakes, Violence, Light Body Horror,

Made in Godot

Programming by Lizzie Davison & Robin Neal (twitter.com/_sudocat)

3D Models assembled by Lizzie Davison using Asset Forge AssetForge.io

Music and Sound by Robert Nuttall (instagram.com/ganymedespage)

Art and Writing by Christopher Neal-Knight (twitter.com/cdpnhyphenk)

Additional assets from kenney.nl ♥


ldjam51-builds.zip 105 MB
sinister-urbanism-ldjam51-hotfix.zip 105 MB

Development log

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